Visit WebsiteBuild reliable Ethereum apps & libraries with lightweight, composable, & type-safe modules from viem - a modern, efficient alternative to ethers.js.
viem is a TypeScript interface for Ethereum that provides low-level stateless primitives for interacting with Ethereum. It offers a modern, efficient, and lightweight alternative to traditional Ethereum libraries like ethers.js.
Key Focus Areas
- Lightweight & Efficient (35kB bundle size)
- Type-safe Ethereum Interactions
- Modular & Composable Architecture
- Clear API Design with TypeScript Support
- Performance-optimized Implementation
About llms.txt Implementation
viem's llms.txt documentation provides comprehensive information about its API capabilities, focusing on:
- Public Actions for blockchain data reading
- Wallet Actions for transaction management
- Contract Interactions with type safety
- WebSocket and HTTP transport layers
- Chain-specific configurations